The Six Principles of Naturopathy
The six guiding principles of naturopathy are as follows:
The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)
The belief that any living system, if given the right environment and obstacles to health are removed, will heal itself.
Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam)
Symptoms can be signs of the body’s attempt to defend itself, to adapt and recover. Naturopathy seeks to treat the causes of disease and facilitate healing, rather than simply suppress symptoms with a "bandaid" approach.
First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)
Use methods & medicinal substances which minimize the risk of harmful side effects, and apply the least possible force or intervention necessary to diagnose illness and restore health.
Where possible, avoid suppressing symptoms as suppression can interfere with the healing process.
Respect and work with the vis medicatrix naturae
Doctor As Teacher (Docere)
The original meaning of the word “doctor” is teacher. A principal objective of naturopathic medicine is to educate the patient and emphasize self-responsibility for health.
Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum)
Health and disease result from a complex interplay of physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, spiritual and other factors. Naturopaths treat the whole person with a personalised and comprehensive approach, taking all of this into account and encouraging individuals to work on all areas.
Prevention (Preventare)
Prevention is better than a cure. Naturopaths assess risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to illness, working with patients to optimise health and minimise illness.